Summary: TFX - Machine Learning Platform at Google

By @dnl0x00 TFX - Machine Learning Platform at Google Here’s a summary of a recently published paper in which the authors at Google present TFX (TensorFlow Extended) , a TensorFlow-Based Production-Scale Machine Learning Platform. It consists of several components: data analysis, data transformation, data validation, trainer, model evaluation and validation... [Read More]

Linux Bash Tricks

By @dnl0x00 The Linux bash is quite powerful. It has so many useful commands (like sort, jq, awk, sed, grep, xargs, …) and a very powerful pipe mechanism which allows the output from one command to become the input of another command. With this mechanism you get for many use... [Read More]
Tags: linux

My First Steps with Tensorflow

By @dnl0x00 My first steps with tensorflow Tensorflow is a quite powerful but also a quite complex framework for doing research in machine learning. You can implement very simple and basic machine learning algorithms like linear regression or you can do very complex tasks like implementing and train deep neural... [Read More]

Parse HTML with BeautifulSoup in Python

By @dnl0x00 Parsing HTML data is a common task which is also very error prone if you try to write your own parser or if you try to parse HTML it via regular expressions. Parsing HTML data in Python with the Python package “Beautiful Soup” is quite easy and can... [Read More]