By @dnl0x00

The Tiny Images dataset consists of 79,302,017 images, each being a 32x32 color RGB image. The images have been retrieved from the Internet from several image search engines, are stored in an uncompressed large binary file (227GB) so that each image can be easily accessed via random access and are loosely labeled with one of the 75,062 non-abstract nouns in English as listed in the Wordnet lexical database. To download the file or to get more details about the dataset you should visit this site.

As shown in the paper “80 million tiny images: a large dataset for non-parametric object and scene recognition” which can be downloaded here this dataset can be used for some quite interesting tasks like scene detection, object detection and localization and image annotation.

In this blog post I will show you how to do a simple k-nearest neighbor search in this database to search similar images to a given query image. The results are not very impressive but the code can be used as a basis for further more sophisticated experiments. The scripts and the source code of this post are available via GitHub.

First, lets have a look at the dataset. The script can be used to retrieve images from the Timy Images dataset. The output of the script is an image where the tiny images are organized in a grid. The first image is located in the first row and first column, the second image is located in the first row and second column and so on (i.e. column-major order). For example, the following command produces the image below which contains 100 random images from the dataset in 20 columns und 5 rows. The random number generator to generate the random numbers is seeded with the value 123 just to get reproducible results. --db tiny_images.bin -o output.jpg -c 20 --seed 123

mosaic of tiny images dataset

If you want to extract images at specific positions you can append the position of each image as an argument. For example, the following command retrieves the first 10 images of the Tiny Images dataset. --db tiny_images.bin -o output.jpg 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Executing a search

Doing a simple k-nearest neighbor search in the whole dataset is quite easy. First, we need to perform a preprocessing step to normalize the image. The query image must be scaled to 32x32 pixels and it must be a color image with the three color channels red, green and blue. After the preprocessing step we can use the script to search for the nearest neighbors.

The following commands demonstrate these steps for an image that is part of this repository.

# preprocessing: rescale the query image
convert -resize '32x32!' images/ queryimage.jpg
# perform the search --db tiny_images.bin -v queryimage.jpg | sort -g -S 2G | head -n 10000 > scores.txt

The output of is one line for each image of the Tiny Images dataset. Each line contains the score in the first column (i.e. the Euclidean distance between the query image and the image in the dataset) and the position of the image in the Tiny Images dataset.

In the example above we sort the output by the score and select only the first 10000 lines which are the 10000 nearest neighbors. We can now inspect the nearest neighbors by creating an image from the nearest neighbors.

# create a mosaic image for the first 100 nearest neighbours
head -n 100 scores.txt | awk '{print $2}' | \
	xargs --db tiny_images.bin -o output.jpg

Here are the results. For the following query image

nearest neighbors

these are the most similar images:

nearest neighbors


On my workstation (i7-4790, Quadcore + Hyperthreading) it takes approximately 30 minutes for a single search. The disk is the bottleneck which can provide just about 100MB/s for sequential I/O. To measure the maximum performance of the script I have created a ramdisk with a capacity of 3GB and copied the first 3GB of the Tiny Images dataset to that disk. Then, I did run the script once again.

# create the ramdisk
sudo mount -t tmpfs -o size=3g tmpfs /mnt/ramdisk/
# copy the first 3GB of the dataset to the ramdisk
dd if=tiny_images.bin of=/mnt/ramdisk/tiny_images.bin bs=1M
# run --db /mnt/ramdisk/tiny_images.bin -v queryimage.jpg >/dev/null

With the data being read from main memory the maximum bandwidth of the script is 390MB/s now. Thus, with a SSD the time required for a single search could be reduced to about eight minutes.

Even without a SSD you could profit from further parallelism. If you want to search the nearest neighbors for more than one image you could start several scripts at the same time, one instance for each query image. If one script reads the data from the disk with about 100MB/s the other scripts can read the data from the cache (>3GB/s) and are not bounded by disk I/O anymore. With this simple approach, we can run as many instances as required to get bounded by CPU now. I have successfully tested this approach with four instances running at the same time. I wasn’t bounded by disk I/O anymore and was able to increase the throughput by a factor of about four.

Running as a framework

The repository comes with example images in the images/ directory and a Makefile which can be used to search for the nearest neighbors for each image in that directory. So, to run your own experiments for a set of images you just have to put your images into the images/ directory and run the Makefile. But before doing this you have to set the environment variable TINYIMAGE to the location of your Tiny Images dataset. Then, you can execute the Makefile by running make on the command line.

export TINYIMAGES=<location of tiny_images.bin>

The results are stored in the directory outputs which contains the following directories and files:

  • images_small/: contains the normalized query images scaled to 32x32 pixels which are used for the knn search
  • scores/: contains the scores (i.e. the Euclidean distances) for each query image
  • summary_images/: contains for each query image an image with the top nearest neighbors
  • summary.pdf: a PDF created from the images in summary_images

Before running another experiment you should run make clean to remove the data (i.e. the directory outputs) of the previous experiment or you simply move the outputs directory to another location.