Python Cheat Sheet of not so well-known stuff

By @dnl0x00 Non-keyworded, variable length argument list. Here’s an example which shows how to pass variable length arguments and get the values. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 def g(a, *args): b, c = args assert a == 1 def f(a, *args): g(a, *args) f(1, 2, 3) for... [Read More]
Tags: python

Mixed Precision Training

By @dnl0x00 In October this year researchers from Baidu and NVIDIA have published a paper in which they describe a technique to train deep neural networks using half precision floating point numbers (FP16) to decrease the memory consumption of the models and to benefit from speed up effects due to... [Read More]

Loading MNIST Handwritten Digits With Octave or MATLAB

By @dnl0x00 The MNIST handwritten digit database is a very popular data set for testing machine learning algorithms. It contains 60,000 labeled training examples and 10,000 examples for testing. The data set can be downloaded from here. On GitHub I have published a repository which contains a file mnist.mat created... [Read More]

CPU vs GPU for Machine Learning

By @dnl0x00 In this article I just summarize some thoughts while reading an article about machine learning doing on a CPU vs GPU. All of my statements are not well researched and I could be totally wrong. Keep that in mind when you’re reading this post. ;) Recently I have... [Read More]